

398 Clips

Cinematographer from Columbus Ohio. I have a wide experience of content creation from commercial shoots to narrative production. It's my passion to capture and showcase the ideas and stories that are held in every single individual.

Black woman at her law office grabbing her head in frustration

Black man relaxing after a workout with ice on his neck

Black woman at her law office angry at the info from her clients document

Black woman thinking about the right thing to say in her email

Black woman sipping her coffee while working on her computer from her kitchen

Black man dealing with pain after applying ice to right elbow

Black woman at her law office comparing information from book to her clients case

Black woman looking outside wishing she was outside

Black woman finishing up her work and closing her computer

Indian nurse at doctors office putting on gloves

Black woman thinking about the papers she's looking at

Black man sitting down exhausted from workout

Black woman at her law office organizing paperwork for client

Black woman checking the papers next to her while working from her kitchen

Black man doing left leg lunges

Indian nurse at doctors office ripping off paper towels to clean with

Black woman looking over papers while working on document

Black woman looking confused while comparing documents from her computer

Black woman at her law office confused by note left on clients documents

Black woman at her law office happily making note on clients paperwork

Indian Nurse at doctors office resting in frustration while looking for viles

Indian nurse at doctors office angry while putting on gloves

Black woman closing up her computer angrily as she finished her day

Indian nurse at doctors office putting away disinfectant supplies

Black man happily grabbing his breakfast and getting onto his computer

Black woman putting her hand on her neck while responding to an email

Black man catching his breath after work out

Black Woman At Her Law Office having her client sign paperwork

Black woman at her law office circling a portion of a document

Black man eating a berry while replying to an annoying email

Black man catching his breath after working out

Black woman thinking about documents she has in her hands

Black woman at her law office highlighting a portion of her clients document

Black woman annoyed while she checks through reports from her home

Black woman looking at papers while typing up document

Black woman at her law office opening up clients file while sitting at her computer

Black woman leaving her couch as she finished up her work for the day

Black man walking though park taking a sip of water

Black Woman At Her Law Office arguing with her client

Black woman looking confused going through her paperwork

Indian Nurse at doctors office annoyed with putting on his gloves

Black woman writing while working on her laptop

Black man stretching out his left arm

Indian nurse at doctors office putting on mask for protection

Indian nurse walking into doctors office and putting on gloves

Black man switching feet to stretch out both side of his back after workout

Black woman at her law office frustratingly typing

Black man wincing as he applies ice to his right elbow