Unlocking the power of video for marketing: how Luma Health supercharged their strategy with Storyblocks

The power of video for marketing is undeniable. With 91% of people saying they want to see more online video from brands in 2023, it’s no surprise that 91% of businesses use video as a marketing tool in 2023.

So when Luma Health, a healthcare software company, embarked on a journey to harness the potential of video for marketing, they knew that it held a lot of potential to help their brand stand out. But when videographer Casey Clark joined their team, he found himself dealing with a handful of challenges. Standing between him and creating compelling video content were the complexities of HIPAA compliance, budget constraints, and more. To tackle these obstacles, Luma Health turned to Storyblocks. In this post, we’ll explore how Luma Health overcame these challenges and made video a key part of their marketing strategy with Storyblocks.

Who is Luma Health?

Doctor holding a tablet with patient records, luma health video for marketing storyblocks case study.

Luma Health is at the forefront of healthcare innovation, offering the Patient Success Platform™, which simplifies the process of accessing healthcare for patients. Their mission revolves around enhancing patient experiences, streamlining access to services, and building a brand that resonates with everyday people.

Luma Health’s challenges in video marketing

With the rise of video for marketing as a key pillar for businesses, their team knew it was worth investing in. But Luma Health faced several significant challenges when they set out to enhance their video marketing strategy, including:

Budget Constraints

Traditional video production methods, involving extensive travel and on-site shooting, were cost-prohibitive. Luma Health needed a predictable budget to efficiently manage their video projects.

HIPAA Compliance

Being in the medical industry, Luma Health had to navigate strict HIPAA compliance and privacy laws for their marketing materials. Filming doctors and patients was not an option, so they needed a fresh approach to conveying patient stories visually.

Lean Marketing Team

Luma Health was operating with a lean marketing team, so a streamlined video production process that would allow them to work quickly and efficiently was key.

How Storyblocks solved their challenges of using video for marketing

Casey Clark was instrumental in helping Luma Health overcome these challenges when he joined their team. Since Casey had prior experience with Storyblocks, he knew it was the perfect fit for their needs. In his own words, “I brought Storyblocks with me because it’s become integral in my workflow. It expedited things that would have taken me a long time in the past. I didn’t want to fix what wasn’t broken.” On top of helping Casey work faster, it also helped Luma Health in a few key areas, including:

Budget-Friendly Pricing

With Storyblocks, Luma Health gained access to over two million stock assets, including footage, images, music, and templates. All of these were available for unlimited downloads at a flat price, ensuring predictable budgeting.

HIPAA Compliance

Storyblocks provided a wide array of stock assets, allowing Luma Health to create engaging medical content without compromising HIPAA compliance. The comprehensive business license offered peace of mind by preventing copyright claims.

The Results of the Transformation

Luma Health’s partnership with Storyblocks transformed their video marketing strategy. Having a huge library of high-quality stock footage, music, templates, and more allowed them the freedom to fully embrace their innovative mindset. With Storyblocks supporting their team, they were able to see tangible results with:

Simplified Testing and Experimentation

The large library of stock assets and templates at Storyblocks allowed Luma Health to experiment freely. With so many options at his disposal, Casey Clark was able to quickly try out different content and test new ideas with his videos without any roadblocks.

“It was kind of eye-opening for me because it opened the floodgates. There were no more preview clips, no more watermarks. It was fantastic.”

Faster Production Workflow

Eliminating the need for asset purchase approvals was a game-changer for Luma Health’s video production. Instead of waiting to see what footage they were allowed to buy or having to search multiple sites for content, they could go to Storyblocks’ library and download whatever they wanted. With Storyblocks, they could harness the creative freedom of unlimited downloads and scaled their video output to creating 5 to 10 videos every month.

On average, Storyblocks saves its members three and a half hours a week, but Casey thinks
it’s saving him more than that.

“I’ve never quantified it in that way, but it’s probably more than that for me because I’m working on multiple projects simultaneously.”

Visual Brand Differentiation

Luma Health successfully created a recognizable visual brand, setting them apart in the competitive healthcare industry. Leveraging the wide selection of customizable templates in Storyblocks’ library, they were able to create a consistent look and feel in their marketing materials. As a result, videos became a key component of their marketing strategy, utilized across landing pages, sales decks, social media, events, and more.


Luma Health’s journey with Storyblocks is a testament to the transformative potential of video. They faced tough challenges, but overcame them by leveraging the power of video content and a reliable platform. With Storyblocks, Luma Health was able to fully embrace their team’s creative potential, scale video production, and create more efficiently.

To learn more about Luma Health’s video marketing journey and dive deeper into the details of how Luma Health revolutionized their marketing strategy with Storyblocks, read the full case study