Your keyboard shortcuts cheat sheet for Adobe Premiere Pro

Adobe Premiere Pro keyboard shortcut combines two or more keyboards to execute commands quickly. Keyboard shortcuts remove over-dependency on the mouse when editing video. In this article, you’ll learn how to enhance your workflow and skills with Adobe Premiere Pro keyboard shortcuts.

Adobe Premiere Pro keyboard shortcut combines two or more keyboards to execute commands quickly. Keyboard shortcuts remove over-dependency on the mouse when editing video.

No doubt, learning keyboard shortcuts can be intimidating at the start. It involves practice and memorizing strings of alphabets and numbers. Mastering how to take actions with shortcuts can help you save time on tasks.

In this article, you’ll learn how to enhance your workflow and skills with Adobe Premiere Pro keyboard shortcuts.

How to use keyboard shortcuts in Adobe Premiere Pro 

Learning Adobe Premiere shortcuts is one of the ways you can start editing videos like a pro. Luckily, this software supports various keyboard shortcuts that will boost your workflow and productivity level.

Here are two things needed to help you use keyboard shortcuts: Set your keyboard for shortcuts (keyboard shortcuts are automatically enabled on Mac and Windows computers, but you should verify their status) and and memorize the keyboard shortcuts you use most frequently.

For Mac – 

  1. Launch Adobe Premiere Pro
  2. Go to menu
  3. Select Keyboard shortcuts

For Windows – 

  1. Open the Adobe Premiere Pro app
  2. Go to Edit
  3. Select Keyboard Shortcuts

Once you verify that Adobe Premiere Pro keyboard shortcuts are active, it’s time to memorize and use them. Now, press the buttons on your keyboard to see how it works.

Most useful keyboard shortcuts for Adobe Premiere Pro 

Keyboard shortcuts are excellent for helping editors to work faster. Here are some Adobe Premiere Pro keyboard shortcuts to start using today:

  • Expand Panel Size (`, Backtick)

Pressing this key maximizes the panel to full-screen size. It does the job quickly when you want a full-screen preview.

  • Shuttle Controls (J, K, and L)

Keep pressing either of these keys to move through your timeline quicker. Press the L button to fast forward, K to pause, and reverse with J.

  • In and Out points (I and O)

Select a clip on your timeline. Press I to mark the In point and O for the Out point on the selected clip.

  • Edit (Ctrl / Cmd + K)

As one of the most used Adobe Premiere Pro keyboard shortcuts, it brings out the cutting tool for edits. Assign this shortcut to one of the buttons on your mouse for quicker clip cuts.

  • Shuttling Clip (Down + Up buttons)

Get to your edit points with these keys. Press the Up and Down buttons to get anywhere on your edit timeline. Toggling between A and V markers enables you to select the layer to the shuttle.

  • Paste Attributes (Cmd /Ctrl + Alt + V)

Though you may not use this shortcut often, it’s a fantastic way to paste over attributes between clips.

  • Undo (Cmd / Ctrl + Z)

If you have ever used Ms. Word, you’re familiar with this command. When you make a mistake or change your mind about an edit, hit the undo button to reverse your decision.

  • Match Frame (F)

This shortcut copies the selected clip to the preview window of your timeline.

  • Selection Tool (V)

You can press V to return to your selection tool when working with titles.

  • Individual Clips (Click + Alt)

Though this shortcut combines a keyboard key and mouse button, it’s pretty useful. With this shortcut, you can work on audio without clipping video.

Your Premiere Pro keyboard shortcuts cheat sheet

Speed up your Adobe Premiere Pro skills and limit your use of the mouse with these keyboard shortcuts:

File keyboard shortcuts

Project/ProductionCtrl +Alt + NOpt + Cmd + N
SequenceCtrl + NCmd + N
BinCtrl + /Cmd + /
Open Project / ProductionCtrl + OCmd + O
Browse in Adobe BridgeCtrl + Alt + OOpt + Cmd + O
Close ProjectCtrl + Shift + WShift + Cmd + W
CloseCtrl + WCmd + W
SaveCtrl + SCmd + S
Save AsCtrl + Shift + SShift + Cmd + S
Save A CopyCtrl + Alt + SOpt + Cmd + S
Batch CaptureF6F6
Import from Media BrowserCtrl + Alt + IOpt + Cmd + I
ImportCtrl + ICmd + I
Export MediaCtrl + MCmd + M
Get Properties for SelectionCtrl + Shift + HShift + Cmd + H
ExitCtrl + QCmd + Q


Clip keyboard shortcuts

Make SubclipCtrl + UCmd + U
Audio ChannelsShift + GShift + G
Audio GainGG
Speed/DurationCtrl + RCmd + R
EnableShift + EShift + Cmd + E
LinkCtrl + LCmd + L
GroupCtrl + GCmd + G
UngroupCtrl + Shift + GShift + Cmd + G

Edit keyboard shortcuts

UndoCtrl + ZCmd + Z
RedoCtrl + Shift + ZShift + Cmd + Z
CutCtrl + XCmd + X
CopyCtrl + CCmd + C
PasteCtrl + VCmd + V
Paste InsertCtrl + Shift + VShift + Cmd + V
Paste AttributesCtrl + Alt + VOpt + Cmd + V
ClearDeleteForward Delete
Ripple DeleteShift + DeleteShift + Forward Delete
DuplicateCtrl + Shift + /Shift + Cmd + /
Select AllCtrl + ACmd + A
Deselect AllCtrl + Shift + AShift + Cmd + A
FindCtrl + FCmd + F
Edit OriginalCtrl + ECmd + E
Keyboard ShortcutsCtrl + Alt + KCmd + Opt + K

Sequence keyboard shortcuts

Render Effects in Work AreaEnterEnter
Match FrameFF
Reverse Match FrameShift + RShift + R
Add EditCtrl + KCmd + K
Add Edit to All TracksCtrl + Shift + KShift + Cmd + K
Trim EditShift + TCmd + T
Extend Selected Edit to Play headEE
Apply Video TransitionCtrl + DCmd + D
Apply Audio TransitionCtrl + Shift + DShift + Cmd + D
Apply Default Transitions to SelectionShift + DShift + D
Zoom In==
Zoom Out
Next in SequenceShift + ;Shift + ;
Previous in SequenceCtrl + Shift + ;Opt + ;
Snap in TimelineSS
Make SubsequenceShift + UCmd + U
Add new caption trackCtrl + Alt + AOpt + Cmd + A
Add caption at playheadCtrl + Alt + COpt + Cmd + C
Go to next caption segmentCtrl + Alt + DownOpt + Cmd + Down
Go to previous caption segmentCtrl + Alt + UpOpt + Cmd + Up


Markers keyboard shortcuts

Mark InII
Mark OutOO
Mark ClipXX
Mark Selection//
Go to InShift + IShift + I
Clear InCtrl + Shift + IOpt + I
Clear OutCtrl + Shift + OOpt + O
Clear In and OutCtrl + Shift + XOpt + X
Add MarkerMM
Go to Next MarkerShift + MShift + M
Go to Previous MarkerCtrl + Shift + MShift + Cmd + M
Clear Selected MarkerCtrl + Alt + MOpt + M
Clear All MarkersCtrl + Alt + Shift + MOpt + Cmd + M
Side portrait of a man using a keyboard shortcut to edit a video on his desktop with extra screen monitor on the side.
Video editing at home

How to customize keyboard shortcuts in Premiere Pro

Adobe Premiere Pro allows users to add their personalized keyboard shortcuts. It serves a bunch if you’re not comfortable with the default shortcuts. Luckily, it takes another shortcut to add your customized Adobe premiere Pro shortcut keys. For Windows, press Ctrl+Alt+K and Cmd+Opt+ for Mac.Now a screen keyboard appears where you can add or delete shortcuts. It takes a little practice to master the interface. So, try it now to discover more for yourself.

Use Storyblocks templates to make video content creation easy

Shortcuts improve your skills and make editing more enjoyable. The more you practice these shortcuts, the faster you can complete tasks and make more money.Get the best out of your video editing time. Explore the Storyblocks library to create beautiful and exciting videos in minutes. Check out our Adobe Premiere Pro templates and plugin, as well as our Adobe After Effects templates to make video editing even easier!